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Final Quarter Summary 2024

October- December 2024

1. Flood Mitigation Works in Kelantan

For nearly one year we were assessing and planning what was the greatest need for the flood prone villages in Kelantan. Rafts were most appropriate in this situation.

We were fortunate with cooperation from Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia APM, Kelantan Disaster Relief Network KDRN, Roman Catholic Archdiocesan Office for Human Development AOHD and with contributions from Methodist & Anglican churches.

Only with the participation from all these parties, was this risk reduction activity possible. CREST hopes to reduce loss of property during future floods in Kelantan.


2.Preparations for Monsoon Season in place

19 Nov - CREST is making preparations for the monsoon season. We aim to stockpile some quantities of drinking water and dry food rations in strategic places in Johor Baru and Kota Baru by the end of the first week in December. The water jet sets are primed up and local volunteers prepped up to meet the challenges ahead. We cannot avoid the effects of climate change but we can mitigate the impact.


3.Year End Monsoon Floods, Kelantan

Even though we advocate risk reduction measures through preparedness, raft project and essential items placements in strategic places, it's up to local communities taking charge of the situation. Local community leaders need to make hard decisions and implement the lessons taught over the years. Community based disaster management cannot be possible without local leadership rising to take ownership.

CREST had been monitoring the rising waters that had inundated Rantau Panjang and Pasir Mas. Our risk reduction measures for this Malaysian flood had been put in place for the past year.

Our preparations were

  1. Food and water stockpiling before the advent of the monsoon.

  2. Disinfectants to the evacuation centres to prevent infection.

  3. Rafts for reducing property losses during flooding.

  4. Strengthening working relationships with local villagers, NGOs, and government agencies.

Hence, we were able to mobilise local volunteers and distribute aid in Tumpat, Kelantan without delays.

CREST together with its partner organisations and local villages had built 30 DIY rafts which are now being used to help against damages of valuable household items during floods. We are proud that the villagers have taken ownership of this collaborative effort.

The common sight last flood was fridge, washing machines and electrical items devastated by flood waters. It was a different sight at Kampung Serongga, Pasir Mas this time. Even though it was inundated by nearly 10 to 12 feet of water, we see the fridge and washing machines working now.


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Crisis Relief Services & Training Bhd

CIMB Account No: 800-8389-938

​CRISIS RELIEF SERVICES & TRAINING BERHAD (Co. No. 199801017686 | 473815-A)
(A Public Company Limited by Guarantee)
8, Jalan PJU 5/20C, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +6019-328-7299 Email: 
Website: Facebook Page: crestmalaysiaorg

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