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Overview After our first relief team returned in October 2018, CREST has contacted by few Malaysian NGOs and a Foundation for possible coorpreation in rebuilding transiltional shelters. With the help from our local partners, a team of 6 presentative from 2 NGOs and 1 from Foundation has visited Palu & Sigi for protential projects and receipients.

Objective 1. Establish a local coordination center in Palu. 2. Assessment on the location for transiltional shelters. 3. Meeting with the fisherman for possible livelihood project. 4. Provide proposal and plan for protential donors.

Activities 1. Recovery & Rebuilding Project 1.1 Transitional Shelters About *67,000 families need shelter and basic household items. Of these, *17,000 families also need longer term recovery and reconstruction support. About *15,000 families had their houses destroyed and the land around them is uninhabitable (Red Zone).

*Figures are based on official estimates from the local government (3 December 2018).

On 7 Dec 2018 at 3:30pm, CREST and local partner attended the Shelter Cluster meeting organised by the local government together with UN, IFRC, International and local NGOs. Standards and guidelines for building transitional shelters were drafted and approved.

To summarise the shelter meeting:-

  • Government is building 1,200 barracks (1 barrack to be occupied by 12 families) in 29 areas, 40% has been completed. Target date for handover – 25 December 2018

  • Each shelter must be used for 2 years minimum

  • So far there is no date or plan for construction of permanent shelter

  • Emergency shelter is still in need, but there is less demand

  • NGOs are required to coordinate with shelter cluster to avoid overlapping, waste of resources and to increase efficiency

  • Shelter is a process, not a product

  • Guideline is finalized, highly advised to follow

  • Do not use wood from the protected forest

  • Zoning for land safety is not finalize

  • Barrack (community housing) is not recommended for NGOs

  • Shelter meeting will be held at 3:30pm every Friday at Kantol Dinas Sosial, Palu.

2. Our Proposal CREST and local partners are targeting 2 locations, one in Sigi District and another one in Donggala for the transitional shelter project. Our project in Sigi has already started. This proposal is to help the temporary shelter’s current needs caused by earthquake and liquefaction impact in Jono Oge, Sigi and Balaesang, Pantai Barat Donggala area. The community contributes in the shelter building process. This helps them to rise up again after the disaster as well as increase their capacity as part of disaster risk reduction.

2.1 Situation Assessment Jono Oge is the area where survivors of the earthquake and liquefaction live. The government’s plan to relocate the residents was rejected due to the distance and the lack of communication network access in the new area. Following negotiations, the government allocated other areas named Dusun 2, 3, 4 and 5. (Dusun 1 is classified as RED ZONE where no one is allowed to stay). MDS Indonesia is providing assistance to communities in Dusun 2, 3, and 4 while Dusun 5 is adopted by NU (Nahdlatul Ulama). 340 units of shelter will be constructed in this area - 200 units are sponsored by ZOA Dutch and 140 units by CREST.

Balaesang is a sub-district populated by 450 families. This area was classified as being impacted the hardest. Almost 80% of the buildings had collapsed. Balaesang is located in Donggala – Pantai Barat area, which was the epicenter of the earthquake. Out of 380 9units of shelter needed, 130 has been sponsored by a Muslim NGO. The remaining 250 units will be sponsored by CREST with community Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) concept in mind.

2.2 Situational Response The community in Jono Oge is currently living in tents pitched in their front yard because the houses are no longer habitable. There are major cracks on the walls and floor. Until now there is no community assistance in DRR.

The community in Balaesang together with the area leader who is like the village head had to work hard to get emergency tents from NGOs. The challenge they are facing is the fast approaching rainy season. Children and adult health may be impacted. Their hope lies in getting the liveable transitional shelter as well as DRR.

2.3 Risks The highest risk in this project is the physical nature of Sulawesi. It is vulnerable to liquefaction and this can cause panic in the community. In the upcoming Presidential Election the disaster has been politicized with parties saying that the government was powerless in responding. In some areas, the people are easily provoked by religious issues. To reduce such risks, our local partners involve religious and community leaders in the project by including them in the local committee. DRR assistance is needed for communities living in disaster prone areas.

5.4 Break down of requested resources by project.

Transitional Shelter 4 metres x 5 metres

2.4 Cost & Budget

3. Livelihood

Location: Kampung Bamba, Palu GPS: S 0° 44’ 16.59” E 119° 51’ 32.48”

There is approximately 300 families in this village. 62 receive their household income from fishing in the sea. Fishing is the main source of income for 39 out of these 62 families while for 23 families it is their secondary source of income.

Local partner – Sekolah Relawan has prioritised and is committed to providing 39 boats for the first 39 families: 32 boats with engine and 7 without engine. The boats with engines are for those who have to travel 2 hours to fish, departing at 5am and returning at 3pm.

Market Outlook:

  • Income during high season per day Rp. 200,000 - Rp 300,000 (Nov-Apr)

  • Low season per day Rp. 50,000 or only for own consumption (May-Oct)

  • Pricing for fish now is back to normal

  • All harvest is for local market and Palu City

  • Cost: Rp 15,000,000 with wooden boat, engine, tools (Rp 5,000,000 each)

  • Wooden Boat: 5.5 meter long x 40 cm wide using local wood

  • Engine: Honda 5.5 HP

  • Tools: Fishing Net and Equipment

  • Duration to build 27 boats, we need 3 full time workers and will complete in 1.5 month

Fisherman who have not received assistance for the boat:-

* In local culture, full name and personal identity number will be given when it is official.

Information provided by - Mohd. Rizal Local partner from Sekolah Relawan - Muhammad Musa

Budget for 13 boats with engine and 10 boats without engine = IDR 295,000,000 (RM 56,000).

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