Food Aid Donation from Kuok Foundation Batch #1 - 200 Families (Malaysian & Foreign Workers)
200 sets were donated. Each set consist of the following : - 4 x Marina Sardine (155g) - 2 x Marina Tuna Chunks (185g) - 2 x VSoy Soya Bean Milk 1L - 2 x Tepung Gandum Cap Sauh 1kg
Received at SSMC on Monday 13th April 2020
100 Sets collected by Bro Kenny Tan on Tuesday 14th April 2020 for Setapak Locality and distributed on 14th April itself.
50 Sets collected by Bro Ho J-Son on Wednesday 15th April 2020 for Damansara Perdana locality and Distribution done on the same day.
50 Sets packed for distribution within Kpg Sg Kayu Ara locality where SSMC is sited. Person in charge Bro KL Lam. Distribution done on 15th April.
Please Note that they are also carrying 5kg Rice Packs which were donated by CREST Alumni.
Batch #5 – 300 Families (Malaysian & Foreign Workers) Distribution Date: 16 May 2020 @ Kpg. Sg. Kayu Ara

Batch #6.1 – 100 Families (Malaysian Only) Distribution Date: 22 May 2020 @ Kpg. Sg. Kayu Ara

Batch #7.1 – 100 Families (Malaysian Only)
Distribution Date: 29 May 2020 @ Kpg. Sg. Kayu Ara

Report Compiled by: Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming Pastor, Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church & CREST Director. 6th June 2020