CREST activated emergency response for COVID-19 in January 2020 by assisting Wuhan City and later, Hubei Province. As COVID-19 spread internationally, Malaysia’s Ministry of Health detected multiple local transmission clusters in early March. The largest cluster was due to a religious gathering held from 27 February to 1 March 2020 in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
By the 10th of March, Malaysia was ranked first among Southeast Asia countries for the highest number of confirmed cases reported. Very quickly, a public health emergency was declared by the government and a Movement Control Order (MCO) (referred in some countries as a lockdown) to break the chain of local transmission was imposed. During the same period, WHO announced on 11 March that the spread of COVID-19 has become a global pandemic.
The first MCO which started on 18 March 2020 was planned for 14 days. However, it was later extended. Subsequently, MCO was replaced by Recovery MCO which commenced on 10 June until further announcement.
Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to frontline workers.
Provide essential food package to B40 group. (B40 refers to the category of monthly household income less than RM4,360)
Team Members
PPE Distribution – CREST, Volunteers and staff of Infinity Logistics & Transport
FOOD4HOPE – Malaysian CARE, CREST and Volunteers
Activities 1. Personal Protective Equipment Distribution

In the beginning of March, COVID-19 has rapidly spread across many nations. Italy, Spain and Iran have closed down their borders and implemented lockdowns due to their growing local transmission cases. Healthcare supplies such as protective equipment is on high demand.
Fortunately, CREST had a head start on the sourcing and purchasing of PPE from local and overseas manufacturers two months earlier. By then, we have already understood the required procedures of the Chinese supply chain and secured orders through the building of relationship with the suppliers.
As flight routes to China was reduced due to the implementation of international travel restrictions, there was a build-up of cargoes at the departure ports. CREST has decided to import in small quantities divided into multiple shipments. At the same time, we also secured a green lane from the Ministry of Health and Custom Malaysia for import duty and sales tax exemptions.
A team of volunteers from China started to raise fund, purchase and send the PPE to Malaysia. As at 30 April 2020, a sum of RMB216,350.16 has been raised to purchase PPE and have the items distributed to multiple locations.
Although CREST did not appeal for public donation, we have received donation-in-kind, services and financial support from individuals, churches and corporates – PPB Group Berhad, Kuok Foundation and Infinity Logistics & Transport Sdn Bhd.
2. FOOD4HOPE – Food Distribution for B40 Group, Migrant Workers and Refugees.
Implementation Partners: Malaysia CARE, REACH
During the period of MCO, almost all economic sectors were shutdown. Many families from the B40 income group were living on their daily or weekly wages. According to the Malaysian Centre Bank report, 80% of the Malaysian families do not have RM3,000 as savings for emergency situations like this.
On the third day of MCO, a team of volunteers and full-time staff from Malaysian CARE, REACH and CREST developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and established an Incident Command System (ICS). The FOOD4HOPE programme was initiated to provide non-perishable essential food items to the poor and needy.
COVID-19 has brought about much challenges, unclear government policies and ongoing uncertainty. Still, we give thanks to God and our team members for being quick to adapt to these changes by implementing work-around solutions.
FOOD4HOPE officially started on 24 March 2020 and was extended as MCO continued. The programme ended on 15 May 2020 and benefitted a total of 4,354 families.

Beyond Malaysia, CREST has also served our overseas partners during the pandemic by delivering financial aid.